The East Sussex Cross Country League (ESCCL) races are about to start, and Striders can pre-register for all six races, for a fee of £12 (if EA affiliated), £18 otherwise . That’s £2 a race. The races for 2016-17 are as follows:

Sunday 9th October   – Snape Wood

Sunday 13th November – Whitbread Hollow

Sunday 11th December – New Place Farm (TBC)

Sunday 15th January – Ashdown Forest (TBC)

Sunday 12th February – Heathfield Park

Sunday 12th March – Pett (TBC)


If you want to take advantage of this, please contact Tom Roper, our cross-country rep, before 23 September so he can register you with ESCCL. He’ll need to know your name, date of birth, and EA number if applicable. Bring payment on a Wednesday night.