the formal stuff

Club Incident Policy

Club Incident Policy

In the event of an injury while on Club Road Club sessions the Run Leader must apply the following procedures:

Emergency Injuries:

  1. Remain calm
  2. Stop the Club session and direct another group individual to keep the remainder of the group not involved safely out of the way – this could include asking them to warn other pavement or road users of the situation to avoid further incidents
  3. Assess the nature of the emergency
    • A. Consider the risk of further dangers to yourself, the casualty, other group members and members of the public involved in the incident
    • B. If further dangers assessed give consideration to removing the casualty or yourself from the dangers involved e.g. a busy road
    • C. Call 999 (gives automatic tracing assistance) ambulance for assistance
    • D. Attend the casualty and provide emergency 1 st Aid:
      • (1) ABC support if necessary (checking airways, breathing and circulation) and seek the advice of the ambulance operator on further interventions available
      • (2) If bleeding is taking place put pressure on the wound with whatever is available to stop or slow down the flow of blood – if bleeding is from limbs consider elevating these.
      • (3) For all emergencies stay with the casualty until advised to move by the attending ambulance operator or team.
    • E. Keep the casualty as warm as possible – using a small foil blanket if possible.
    • F. When appropriate confirm the casualty’s name to those attending the incident as necessary.
  4. Consider asking for witnesses and take pictures of any evidence
  5. When possible contact the H&S Rep, Club Secretary, Membership Secretary or Chairman to inform them of the situation and arrange for them to contact the member’s ICE.
  6. Complete a Club incident form which can be downloaded from the Club website and submit this to the Club S&S Rep within 24 hrs of the incident (these must be considered at the next Club Committee Meeting sitting).

Non-Emergency Injuries:

  1. Remain calm
  2. Pause the Club session and direct another group member to keep the remainder of the group not involved safely out of the way.
  3. Assess the nature of the injury.
    • A. Consider the risk of further dangers to yourself, the casualty, other group members and members of the public involved in the incident including Covid related risks.
    • B. Attend the casualty
      1. If they are able to walk, give them the opportunity to continue at a slower pace, leave the group, return home or offer to call somebody to collect them
      2. If they need assistance to walk, then send them home with an escort volunteer or call for assistance and leave a volunteer with them to wait for their lift.
      3. If they are unable to walk, call for assistance and leave a volunteer with them to wait for their lift.
  4. Complete the Club session with a revised route, if necessary, to return to the finish point at your planned the expected time.
  5. Complete a Club incident form which can be downloaded from the Club website and submit this to the Coaching Co-ordinator and Chair within 24 hrs of the incident (these must be considered at the next Club Committee Meeting sitting).

Created: 13 Sep 2022

Review Due: Sep 2024