the formal stuff
Club Discipline & Appeals Policy
Announcements: Track Nights are every Monday 19:00 at Lewes
Club Discipline & Appeals Policy
Any complaints of misconduct (improper or unprofessional conduct) regarding the behaviour of Members or Officers shall be dealt with by the Club in accordance with this Policy
Step 1:
All complaints regarding the misconduct of Club members should be submitted in writing/email to the Club Secretary. Where the matter relates to the Club Secretary, the
complaint should be submitted to a Club Welfare Officer.
Unless exceptional circumstances apply, the Secretary will hear complaints within fourteen days of receiving a complaint. The Club Secretary will gather and document evidence from all parties named in the complaint.
Step 2:
If the complaint is sufficiently evidenced, the Club Secretary will appoint three Club Members with more than 1 full years membership, who have no direct or indirect interest/involvement
in the matter, to sit on a disciplinary panel.
If the complaint is not sufficiently evidenced the complaint will be dismissed and the person bringing the complaint informed.
Step 3: Disciplinary Panel
Unless exceptional circumstances apply the Disciplinary Panel will consider the matter based on the evidence provided within 14 days of being appointed.
The Disciplinary Panel will offer a reasonable opportunity to the Member about whom the complaint has been made (who may be accompanied by a supporter, who is a Club member, if so desired) to meet with it and answer the allegations.
If they feel they do not have sufficient evidence to make a judgement, they will gather further evidence as they see fit.
A record will be made of the meetings and any further evidence gathered.
If the Disciplinary Panel are satisfied that an offence of misconduct has been committed by a Member, then it may impose one or more of the following actions:
- Note the offence or misconduct but take no further action.
- Formally warn the Member concerned as to future conduct.
- Suspend or disqualify the Member from Club activities for a defined period of time.
- Terminate the membership or such other penalty as the Disciplinary Panel considers appropriate.
The decision of the Disciplinary Panel will be confirmed in writing/email, along with details of the appeals procedure to the Complainant, those accused and for informing the next Club Committee Meeting.
The written confirmation will be by email or letter and sent within seven days of the decision being made.
Step 4: Appeal Process:
Any appeals must be received by the Secretary within seven days of receiving the written decision stating the grounds of the appeal.
If the grounds of the appeal are insufficient or no new evidence is provided the member will be informed and the matter will be concluded at this point. If it is appropriate, the appeals process will be followed.
The Club Committee will review the evidence of the case and decide at their next sitting, by a simple majority, whether to uphold the appeal or not.
If upheld the Club Secretary shall appoint an Appeal Panel consisting of three members of the Club Committee who have not been involved directly in the complaint of the Disciplinary
Unless exceptional circumstances apply the Appeal Panel will consider the matter based on the record of the meetings and evidence of the Disciplinary within 14 days of being
The Appeal Panel will offer a reasonable opportunity to the Member about whom the complaint has been made (who may be accompanied by a supporter who is a Club member, if so desired) to meet with it to discuss the reasons for the appeal.
The Appeal Panel, having considered the evidence, shall:
- Confirm the decision of the Disciplinary Panel
- Overturn the decision of the Disciplinary Panel
- Increase or decrease the sanction given by the Disciplinary Panel
The finding and decision of the Appeal Panel will be confirmed in writing/email, to the Member appealing, communicated to the disciplinary panel and for informing the next Club Committee. The written confirmation will be by email or letter and sent within seven days of the decision being made.
The Appeal Panel’s decision on the matter shall be final.
Notification to UK Athletics (UKA) and England Athletics (EA)
Any complaints of serious misconduct (including, without limitation, theft, doping violations, fraud, physical violence, safeguarding policy breaches, serious breach of applicable health and safety, gambling and/or ticketing regulations or any act or omission of the Member or Officer which in the opinion of EA, acting reasonably, brings or is likely to bring the sport of athletics into disrepute) regarding the behaviour of Members or Officers shall be reported and dealt with by EA in accordance with its Disciplinary Procedures.
Co-operation of All Parties
The Discipline and Appeals Procedure assumes that all parties will co-operate in the interest of resolving the issue in question. In the absence of such co-operation, or if it is withdrawn at any stage, the Club reserves the right to proceed with a Hearing or an Appeal based on such evidence and information as it can obtain.
Created: 13 Sep 2022
Review: Due Sep 2024