Welcome to

Seaford striders running club

Our club is our family

Seaford Striders Running Club is a friendly, supportive affiliated club based in Seaford on the South Coast. A welcoming environment for all abilities, where you can simply enjoy running with like-minded friends, or choose to really challenge yourself and improve your running.

We don’t just run, we also have fun!

Club night – Wednesday nights

Upcoming Track Nights


Track sessions are weekly at Lewes Leisure Centre, on Monday nights 19:00-20:00.

Club News

Striders Club Grand Prix 2025 is ready for the off!

The Striders Club Grand Prix (CGP) 2025 starts this week - a fun and friendly competition which is open to all of our members. The CGP kicks off on February 16 at Whitbread Hollow XC with entries available on the day. The Grand Prix features a mix of distances and...

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Seaford Striders Couch to 5k graduates tackle parkrun

Congratulations to Seaford Striders' latest Couch to 5K (C25K) group, who celebrated their graduation by running Seaford Beach parkrun. The event was the culmination of nine weeks of training, taking the 35-strong group from walking to a non-stop 5km run. The C25K...

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Social dates for your diary

At Seaford Striders, we don’t just run, we also have fun. Our dedicated Social Committee put on events throughout the year which enable you to meet Striders from across the Club, even some where there's no need to pull on your trainers. Our get togethers include our...

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About Seaford Striders

We give a warm welcome to all new members in true Striders tradition.

Our running ethos…

“No one gets left behind”

Our weekly club night is Wednesdays (WNS – Wednesday Night Striders) with Track training on Mondays. Each offer groups based on ability to provide a fun and welcoming experience for everyone!

Seaford Striders - Seaford 10K

Wednesday night striders (WNS) Group Sessions

These are run in accordance with our risk assessments and other Club documentation. Please familiarise yourself with these documents before coming along to your first Wednesday Night Striders group run.

Our weekly club night is Wednesdays (WNS – Wednesday Night Striders) and we usually have 5 different groups levels. Fast, medium, and slow groups. Ranging from 11+ minute mile pace up to around 7.30/8 minute mile pace.

The weekly sessions are run by our lovely group leaders. The routes vary each week and may include interval training, hill sprints, tempo runs, trails in the lighter months, and the slower groups include regular stops en route.

Once you join Striders a message is sent out each week advising of the group leaders, average pace, the meet place and meet time.

The Wednesday Night Striders sessions are usually around the same times/locations each week. To find out more, Contact us.

Monday NIGHT Track Training

Junior Striders Group Sessions

Junior Group Sessions

These are run in accordance with our risk assessments and other Club documentation. Please familiarise yourself with these documents before coming along to your first Wednesday Night Striders group run.

The junior sessions meet every Tuesday at 5.55pm for 6pm start with collection at 6.45pm.

Meet at The Salts Recreational Ground, Seaford by the car park near Morrisons during the summer months>Please aim to get there a little before the sessions finishes to collect your child.

A friendly and active running Community Since 1986

Started by a group of friends in 1986, Seaford Striders has evolved into an environment that welcomes runners of all abilities and encourages everyone. Whether you want to have a chatty run with your buddies, or complete marathon training with the aim of achieving a PB, you will feel at home with us.

Our Club Is Our Family

Once you join Seaford Striders you will receive a warm welcome and we will make sure you are matched with runners with similar abilities. There is a strong supportive ethos in all of our running groups, with the emphasis being on achieving your own targets.

“No one gets left behind” 


England Athletics Logo



Striders latest runs


New runners always receive a warm welcome when they join our running family. No matter what your running ability is, there is always a place for you at Seaford Striders.


Our memberships are an annual subcription, the prices are:

Adult subscription: £20.00 per year
Unemployed or retired subscription: £15.00 per year
Walkers/social subscription: £15.00 per year

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We have a thriving junior group, where we focus on encouraging the younger members to enjoy exercise in a fun, and structured way.

The junior (U18) subscription is £15.00 per year

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Striders Favourite Running Routes

Bo Peep Bostal

A testing run of about nine miles that takes you up onto the downs north of Seaford. The first half is mostly uphill, the second mostly downhill, and there are fine views over the downs.

10K Route

10KM loop starting and finishing from the Downs Leisure Centre.

Itford Farm Circular

This a testing run of around 16 miles that takes you out along the Ouse riverbank  to Itford Farm, then up onto the Downs before returning to Seaford.  The first half of the route is fairly flat, while the the second half contains a steep climb, before taking you over the rolling slopes of the South Downs Way.


"The obsession with running is really an obsession with the potential for more and more life."