the formal stuff
Club Health and Safety Policy
Announcements: Track Nights are Now Every Monday 19:00 at Lewes
This policy aims to ensure that Club activities take place in a safe manner and to mitigate the risks that can be associated with running.
This policy applies to all members of the Club
General Responsibilities
The Club Committee shall be responsible for:
- Maintaining the Health and Safety Policy.
- Provide guidance and current Risk Assessments for Club Run Leaders and other Club run events
- Regularly reviews of all Club Policies, Guides and Risk Assessments; as needed or at least every 2 years.
- Complying with any advice / guidance related to Health and Safety issued by England Athletics or UK Athletics.
- Ensure the Run Leaders have completed the relevant training course and have a valid DBS
Run Leader Responsibilities
Run Leaders shall be responsible for complying with the Club Run Leaders Guide
Other Club Run Events Directors Responsibilities
Other Club Run Events Directors shall be responsible for complying with EA and Club Guidance.
Membership Responsibilities
Members shall be responsible for:
- Taking reasonable care of their own health and safety.
- Reporting all health and safety concerns to the Event Director or Run Leader.
- Ensuring that they wear appropriate clothing when taking part in Club sessions. This should include light clothing and /or hi visibility vest/belt in the winter.
- Always warming up before doing exercise and cooling down afterwards to lower the risk of injury.
- Being aware of the weather and environmental conditions. Ensuring that if they have any illnesses, injuries, or medical conditions, they have consulted a doctor or physio prior to taking part in any Club sessions or competitions.
- Ensuring they run with a group appropriate to their abilities.
- Complying with any other health and safety requests made by the Committee, Event Director, Run Leader or Club coaches to ensure the safety of themselves, other participants and the general public they may encounter.
Risk Assessments
The Club will ensure risk assessments are produced for all Club training and activities.
The Committee will provide training for all members who lead groups This will either be a Leadership in Running Fitness or Coaching in Running Fitness course.
Associated Documents:
- Club Organized Running Groups Policy
- Club Incident Procedure
- Risk Assessments
- Club Constitution
Created: 13 Sep 2022
Review: Due Sep 2024